Father Vincent R. Capodanno Commemoration Service

Date(s) - 09/04/2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Fort Wadsworth Chapel

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Annual commemoration –

” It was during his second tour on September 4, 1967, with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines that Father Vincent Capodanno made the ultimate sacrifice. After hours of heavy fighting from a North Vietnamese ambush, Father Capodanno, himself seriously injured, sighted and ran to the assistance of a wounded corpsman and the Marine he was assisting who were pinned down by an enemy machine gunner where he administered medical and spiritual attention. Despite being unarmed, the enemy opened fire and Father Capodanno, the victim of 27 bullet wounds, died faithfully performing his final act as a good and faithful servant of God.

Posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 1969, Lieutenant Capodanno was also the recipient of the Navy Bronze Star medal, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star and the Purple Heart Medal. Soon after his death, the first chapel bearing his name was dedicated on Hill 51 in Que Son Valley, Vietnam; ”

Credit: https://www.milarch.org/father-capodanno-bio/


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